Thoughts on Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes

I am a huge fan of the 1968 original film version of Planet of the Apes, so was somewhat apprehensive about Tim Burton's remake. I agree with Roger Ebert who has said that filmmakers shouldn't remake good movies, they should remake bad ones. The original Apes flick was so good it is hard to imagine a remake improving upon it in any substantial way. Additionally, I had been warned by a friend who went to the new Planet of the Apes presentation at this year's San Diego Comic Convention (the ComiCon), that one of the actors said something to the effect of, "This one's more action-oriented and less philosophical." That set my expectations appropriately low.

On balance, though, I thought it was an ok movie. It can't touch the classic 1968 version, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. In fact, there was some alegorical content in the new rendition, though it wasn't nuclear holocaust this time, but slavery and animal rights that got the nod.

Mild Spoilers follow...

Things I liked:

Things I didn't like:

I give the film 2, maybe 2.5 stars out of five.

Copyright 2001 Ray Cole

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